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NASCAR Thunder 2004 - Sony Playstation

Publisher:Electronic Arts  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Budcat Creations  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2003              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Racing              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download (Xbox)              Game Music:N/A

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Also on: Microsoft Xbox


In game image of NASCAR Thunder 2004 on the Sony Playstation.
In Game
Title screen of NASCAR Thunder 2004 on the Sony Playstation.
Title Screen
Box cover for NASCAR Thunder 2004 on the Sony Playstation.
Artwork on the Disc for NASCAR Thunder 2004 on the Sony Playstation.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for NASCAR Thunder 2004.

You can race on a variety of courses, from twenty three real world Winston Cup courses, twelve road courses and eleven fantasy courses, including a costal town and a busy city. There are sixty challenges in all.

When racing, what you do on the circuit affects future races. Ram someone into the wall or cause someone to spin out, and they'll remember. They'll try to get back at you in a future race. Help someone out, by clearing a path or sharing the draft, and they'll return the favor to you. Grudges and alliances are tracked throughout your career, so the more you piss someone off, the more likely they'll try to harm you.

Like the Football Camp mode in Madden NFL 2004, the Speed Zone is comprised of different many games that will earn you points and increase your skill, such as passing and drafting, blocking and drifting.

With the Career mode, you can go through a full twenty seasons before having to retire. You manage everything, from your pit crew and car parts to your sponsors and research and development.

There are seventy officially licensed drivers and over 180 vehicle skins. If nothing suits you, create your own driver and car and see how you do.

As in every 2004 edition of EA Sports console games, you'll find the EA Sports Bio, which is a career tracker that tracks your stats over every EA Sports game. The more games you play and the longer you play, the higher your level and the more rewards you can unlock.

Tune your car right and drive like a pro, and you may just make it to the finish line.

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